OVER 100,000,000 SHRAKS WERE SLAUGHTERED LAST YEAR. At the rate the human race is killing the sharks there will be none left. The main issue is long line fishing. Some long lining goes from earth to space and hundreds of boats do it so this is the main reason of shark killing. Also this should stop because other innocent animals are being killed by long line fishing getting court in the nets. Like dolphins when they swim they pass it and get court in the rope and suffocate because they need oxygen. Also this should stop because the shark fin by itself is tasteless it is the beef or chicken broth they put with it. It is a sign of wealth why don't they find something that is not going to kill the planet. Why does it kill the planet do you think. Sharks feed on most fish like plankton feeders and they make 70% of the worlds oxygen and if sharks are gone the sharks oxygen might go down killing us as well.
This must stophttp://www.afma.gov.au/information/students/methods/images/pelagic_longline.jpg
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