%3Ca+onblur%3D%22try+%7Bparent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully%28%29%3B%7D+catch%28e%29+%7B%7D%22+href%3D%22http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F_U8TgfZQ8r5g%2FS_nL0OlP5UI%2FAAAAAAAAAFc%2FUla0uwEZuvg%2Fs1600%2F12345.jpg%22%3E%3Cimg+style%3D%22margin%3A+0pt+10px+10px+0pt%3B+float%3A+left%3B+cursor%3A+pointer%3B+width%3A+400px%3B+height%3A+286px%3B%22+src%3D%22http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F_U8TgfZQ8r5g%2FS_nL0OlP5UI%2FAAAAAAAAAFc%2FUla0uwEZuvg%2Fs400%2F12345.jpg%22+alt%3D%22%22+id%3D%22BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5474630920173512002%22+border%3D%220%22+%2F%3E%3C%2Fa%3E%3Cspan+style%3D%22font-size%3A100%25%3B%22%3EIn+this+project+we+focused+on+educating+people+about++people+about+shark+fining.+Also+we+made+a+lunch+time+activities+room+for+1+day+to+help+raise+awareness.+One+of+the+activities+was+that+you+had+to+try+and+blow+a+bottle+cap+threw+a+obstacle+course+that+simulated+a+ocean+and+the+bottle+cap+the+shark+and+you+need+to+catch+the+food+and+go+in+a+circuit.+We+had+a+lunch+time+movie+called+%22Shark+Waters%22.+It+is+about+a+photographer+that+loves+sharks+and+is+trying+to+stop+shark+fining+and+he+runs+into+some+road+blocks.+I+think+we+made+a+difference+because+we+raised+100+which+was+good+but+not+our+goal.+But+this+made+a+difference+still+but+if+we+had+a+bit+more+time+we+might+have+made+more+money.+I+think+we+raised+awareness+but+if+more+people+showed+up+it+would+have+been+better+but+it+did+not+happen.+But+if+we+had+an+assembly+I+think+more+people+would+have+shown+up.+If+we+did+this+project+again+I+would+change+and+wait+for+there+to+be+and+assembly+to+raise+more+awareness.+Also+I+would+have+put+more+posters+up+around+school.+From+this+project+I+learned+how+to+set+up+an+action+project+and+how+many+people+to+expect.+Also+I+learned+a+lot+about+sharks+like+that+100%2C000+sharks+were+killed+last+year.%0D%0A%0D%0A%3Cspan+style%3D%22color%3A+rgb%2851%2C+51%2C+255%29%3B%22%3Ehttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fimgres%3Fimgurl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fadvocacy.britannica.com%2Fblog%2Fadvocacy%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fasset-0000099264-shark0012-004.jpg%26amp%3Bimgrefurl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fadvocacy.britannica.com%2Fblog%2Fadvocacy%2Fpage%2F11%2F%26amp%3Busg%3D__nnToGQkaD8pdwjhYXBZQQ45o3Zs%3D%26amp%3Bh%3D393%26amp%3Bw%3D550%26amp%3Bsz%3D37%26amp%3Bhl%3Den%26amp%3Bstart%3D2%26amp%3Bsig2%3DE5CQqLmS0_1yKNKAHqJZRA%26amp%3Bum%3D1%26amp%3Bitbs%3D1%26amp%3Btbnid%3DMRP6yxiP1jsEbM%3A%26amp%3Btbnh%3D95%26amp%3Btbnw%3D133%26amp%3Bprev%3D%2Fimages%253Fq%253Dshark%252Bfinning%2526um%253D1%2526hl%253Den%2526safe%253Doff%2526sa%253DN%2526tbs%253Disch%3A1%26amp%Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Shark Finning Awarness
OVER 100,000,000 SHRAKS WERE SLAUGHTERED LAST YEAR. At the rate the human race is killing the sharks there will be none left. The main issue is long line fishing. Some long lining goes from earth to space and hundreds of boats do it so this is the main reason of shark killing. Also this should stop because other innocent animals are being killed by long line fishing getting court in the nets. Like dolphins when they swim they pass it and get court in the rope and suffocate because they need oxygen. Also this should stop because the shark fin by itself is tasteless it is the beef or chicken broth they put with it. It is a sign of wealth why don't they find something that is not going to kill the planet. Why does it kill the planet do you think. Sharks feed on most fish like plankton feeders and they make 70% of the worlds oxygen and if sharks are gone the sharks oxygen might go down killing us as well.
This must stop
This must stop
Monday, April 26, 2010
Malaysia Week/Global Issues
On Malaysia week I saw five miles of just pure deforestation. I saw this while in the bus ride to the boat. My reaction to this was disturbing. When I saw this I freaked out and thought of ways to help stop this. But right now I could not help. Also during Malaysia week I was on a beach and on the beach we tried to clean it up but we did not get all of it clean even after 20 minutes of sweeping the beach. And we filled up 5 bags of rubbish. And there was still more to go but we ran out of time.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Global Issues Response
Global Issues really links to the SLR Living Ethically because we are considering how to help other people. In this class we are learning how to care for other people in other places. We are becoming more aware and responsible about our behavior and the environment. The environment is not just plants and animals but the social environment as well, and even the economy. Global Issues are really huge but we are learning to start small. This wordle I created represents what i think about Global Issues.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Wordle Response
Global Issues really links to the SLR Living Ethically because we are considering how to help other people. In this class we are learning how to care for other people in other places. We are becoming more aware and responsible about our behavior and the environment. The environment is not just plants and animals but the social environment as well, and even the economy. Global Issues are really huge but we are learning to start small. This wordle I created represents what i think about Global Issues.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Response to Article
- The world bank is a company that gives loans and advises people and is in over 100 developing counties.
- So the information is accurate
- Poverty is a state of poorness (Living without basic needs)
- Extreme poverty is living without basic needs. Poverty is living with basic needs but barley any.
- A poverty trap is four generations of a family.
- Short of food for a year and sometimes stilling you hunger or your child's hunger or both.
- 3 Billion people live on less than $2.50 a day
- The numbers are going up not down in poverty
- Add a bit of money to taxes and take it of for poor people.
- I was in New Orleans when I was 8 and there was a street full of people sitting on the ground super thin waring rags. I felt really bad seeing this my gut bashed around in my body and seeing how some people lived made me felt sick.
Third World Farmer reflection
The aim of this game is to see what it is like to be a in poverty farmer. Also you are trying to win the game by buying all the things you need to live well and then eventually you will win the game after you have everything you need to live.
Strategies that worked were
Strategies that didn't work
I think the SLR for this is Think Creatively because you must think and plan creatively to ensure a good and healthy life for you people. also Planning goes under this and if there is no planning you cannot do anything properly.
The aim of this game is to see what it is like to be a in poverty farmer. Also you are trying to win the game by buying all the things you need to live well and then eventually you will win the game after you have everything you need to live.
Strategies that worked were
- Getting a Well
- Saving money
- Diversify
- Education
- Medicine
- Plan out future
- Buy animals
- Have a voice
Strategies that didn't work
- Don't sell anyone
- Don't do things randomly
- No animals
I think the SLR for this is Think Creatively because you must think and plan creatively to ensure a good and healthy life for you people. also Planning goes under this and if there is no planning you cannot do anything properly.
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